ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan
The Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (ACT Plan) was created to address the mental health needs of the community in the ACT in alignment with the 5th National Mental Health Plan.
The ACT Plan was co-created with peak bodies including ACT Mental Health Consumer Network, Mental Health Carers Voice, Mental Health Community Coalition, The Canberra Health Services, Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing and The Mental Health Policy Unit in conjunction with consultation from the ACT community.
The ACT Plan aims to create an overarching framework for the development and sustainment of mental health services in the ACT.
See our:
- ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan at a glance for an overview.
- ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan Framework for Part A of the plan.
- ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan Implementation, Performance and Monitoring Plan for Parts B and C of the plan.
- Easy English ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan for the Easy English version of the full plan.
ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan launch (31 August 2020)
Watch the ACT Minister for Mental Health, Shane Rattenbury MLA launch the joint regional ACT Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan.