December 7, 2022
Today the successful Canberra Head to Health Centre moved to a central location in the Canberra City. This new location will improve accessibility and offer a larger treatment space for Canberrans receiving mental health and wellbeing support.
Think Mental Health Clinical Director, Vanessa Hamilton said that Canberra Head to Health has been delivering person-centred, high-quality mental health care for consumers and carers within the ACT region since October 2021 at a smaller site in Deakin.
“This new centre at 14 Childers St, Canberra City is much larger with 10 consulting rooms for intake and intervention, which will allow us to grow the service. It will also provide enhanced areas for our intervention programs, such as our group programs, hybrid e-therapies, and the dialectical behaviour therapy program,” said Ms Hamilton.
“The Head to Health Centre is staffed by a local multidisciplinary team which includes psychologists, mental health assistants, occupational therapists, counsellors, nurses and social workers, along with psychiatry input. Our skilled clinical team works with Canberrans to understand their concerns, provide information and support, and link them to appropriate local services,” said Ms Hamilton.
Capital Health Network (CHN) CEO Megan Cahill said the centre has been successfully guiding Canberrans to access the right local mental health information, services and support without a referral or appointment.
“We’ve seen Canberrans getting the support they need as Canberra Head to Health is able to provide care where there are no available services appropriate to their needs or while they are waiting to be connected to longer-term care. The centre provides a ‘no wrong door’ entry point to help people and their families and carers to understand what support they need and where to find it locally,” said Ms Cahill.
CHN commissioned Think Mental Health to deliver the centre, supported by almost $13.5 million funding for the Head to Health Program from the ACT PHN through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.
To access free support through the Canberra Head to Health Centre, call 1800 595 212 for a consultation with a trained mental health professional or drop in at 14 Childers Street, Canberra City. An appointment or referral is not required. You can also request a call back at