The Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan was designed in collaboration with a working group consisting of CHN, Canberra Health Services, the Office for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health Policy Unit, ACT Mental Health Consumer Network, Mental Health Carers Voice and the Mental Health Community Coalition. The Regional Plan has been informed by consultation with the ACT community and was created to address the Mental Health needs of the ACT community in alignment with the Fifth National Mental Health Plan. The Regional Plan consists of three sections: The Framework, The Implementation Plan and The Performance and Monitoring Plan.
The Framework was completed and endorsed by all relevant parties in late 2019. The Framework was co-designed, developed and progressed in unison with the working group. Consisting of a key vision “a kind, connected and informed community working together to promote and protect the mental health and wellbeing of all”, the Framework outlines seven areas of focus for mental health in the ACT, highlighting what work needs to be completed within each area, alongside a set of high level outcomes. The Implementation Plan and The Performance and Monitoring Plan were developed following consultations with the community in 2019 and 2020. Consultations identified key indicators of success and measures against the outcomes developed in The Framework. These key indicators have been used to inform activities and initiatives in The Implementation Plan and The Performance and Monitoring Plan. The Implementation and Performance and Monitoring Plan has been endorsed by all parties and the full Regional Plan will be officially launched in August 2020.

CHN Annual Report 2019-20 - Contents (click to expand)
- From the Chair and CEO
- COVID-19 response
- Priority areas
- Workforce
- Care across the continuum
- Vulnerable groups
- Mental health
- The Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan
- Suicide prevention: LifeSpan
- Mental health support: Next Step
- Support following a suicide attempt: The Way Back Support Service
- Borderline Personality Disorder: Dialectical Behavioural Therapy for Emerging Adults
- Psychosocial support for people with mental illness
- Mental health services for young people: headspace
- Aged Care
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- Digital health
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Chronic disease management
- Financial Statements