Access to medication and care during end-of-life outside of regular business hours is challenging for patients and carers. CHN funds Capital Chemist Wanniassa and Charnwood to deliver the After-Hours Palliative Care Delivery program. The program provides a much-needed service of delivering palliative care medications during the after-hours period directly to people living in the community, including residents of aged care facilities. Both pharmacies retain regular comprehensive stocks of palliative care medicines and other relevant supplies for home-based palliative care clients to access.
Over the last year, 1,621 deliveries occurred to patients in need in over 55 suburbs in the ACT. Deliveries included the provision of multiple prescriptions as well as other required non-prescription items e.g. laxatives, dosing syringes, incontinence pads and other items required by the patient. The program receives referrals from carers, GPs, ACT Health and Calvary palliative care staff, and other pharmacies.
“I rang [the program] and gave a phone order and then gave the patient the script. The pharmacist took the medication to the patient [at home], and there was a little bit of education that I wanted done again about that medication and to make sure that they are OK setup at home. So they did that which is brilliant – it’s like that second check. It’s a little bit more education when they’re out of the hospital environment. They’re in the home environment. They’re not as stressed.” – Calvary and ACT Health staff.

CHN Annual Report 2020-21 - Contents (click to expand)
- From the Chair and CEO
- COVID-19 response
- Priority areas
- Workforce
- Care across the continuum
- Vulnerable groups
- Mental health
- Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan
- Borderline Personality Disorder: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Emerging Adults
- Mental health services for young people: headspace
- Mental health services for the LGBTIQA+ population: Inclusive Pathways
- Mental health support: Next Step
- Psychosocial support for people with severe mental illness
- National Psychosocial Support Transition and Continuity of Support
- Therapeutic service for children: Stepping Stones
- Support following a suicide attempt: The Way Back Support Service
- Aged Care
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- Digital health
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Chronic disease management
- Financial Statements