Through the National Psychosocial Support Measure, CHN commissioned two services in the ACT that provided recovery-focused psychosocial supports to 264 people with severe mental health illness and issues over the past year:
- Woden Community Service’s New Path Program – an early intervention recovery program for people aged 18-35 years whose ability to manage daily activities and to live independently in the community has been seriously affected by their mental health issues.
- Flourish’s Bloom Healthy Living Program – a recovery-based peer-led program designed for 35-64+ year old participants that promotes healthy living. The program can help build life skills, promote good health, support engagement in education, volunteering or employment, and help participants learn how to better manage their finances. Over the past year, 144 referrals were received into the service, with 3,925 service contacts (an increase of 372 compared to the previous financial year).
Woden Community Services – New Path
Over the past year, 120 referrals were received into New Path. One of the tools used in determining participant progress and program success is the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) which takes measurements across five domains including confidence and hope; goals and success orientation; willingness to ask for help; reliance on others; and no domination by symptoms. Data demonstrated significant gains across four of the five RAS domains for participants. Program feedback was also highly positive, with 100% of participants communicating that they would recommend New Path to others with similar needs.
Client story – New Path
“Thought I would give you an update on my son. He passed his test and got his P’s 10 days ago…woohoo! And I think you know that he started a casual job (which he got all by himself by applying, no help from us). He is really enjoying it, and pushed through some exhausted and or feeling nauseous days, to carry on and still go to work. Has had some great work assessment reviews, and has good chance of being offered permanent position. So amazing…and still so grateful for the help you gave. I think it’s important for people who have invested so much of their time, knowledge, experiences, encouragement, skill, and care in my son and others who have such need for help, to be told how much their investment has helped. It is something to be valued greatly.”
Flourish – Bloom Healthy Living
The support Flourish provided for people accessing Bloom Healthy Living kept them in the community and with their network of support. Seven participants returned to full-time employment, seven engaged in volunteering, twelve were supported with their tenancies, two returned to full-time study, one completed studies at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) obtaining a Certificate Four in Indigenous Art, and one returned to their passion of swimming.
Client story – Bloom Healthy Living
One participant has become employed as a practitioner for a Victims Support Program after having been originally referred to NPSM by a Victim’s Support Program organisation. She has a lived experience of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety and depression and initially was tentative with supports and engaged slowly. After establishing trust with Bloom Healthy Living staff over a year, she had progressed in her recovery goals and is now in full-time employment.

CHN Annual Report 2020-21 - Contents (click to expand)
- From the Chair and CEO
- COVID-19 response
- Priority areas
- Workforce
- Care across the continuum
- Vulnerable groups
- Mental health
- Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan
- Borderline Personality Disorder: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Emerging Adults
- Mental health services for young people: headspace
- Mental health services for the LGBTIQA+ population: Inclusive Pathways
- Mental health support: Next Step
- Psychosocial support for people with severe mental illness
- National Psychosocial Support Transition and Continuity of Support
- Therapeutic service for children: Stepping Stones
- Support following a suicide attempt: The Way Back Support Service
- Aged Care
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- Digital health
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Chronic disease management
- Financial Statements