The HIV Nurse Program commissioned by CHN, ACT’s PHN provides nursing and counselling services as well as education and networking opportunities for GPs and other health professionals in the ACT. The program also includes management, advocacy and screening of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Blood Borne Viruses. The program provides clinical support and care coordination for clients with HIV, supports opportunistic and rapid screening of high risk and concerned patients through work at Hobart Place General Practice and conducts a range of outreach activities in partnership with Meridian (formerly known as Aids Action Council) and Canberra Sexual Health Centre (CSHC). The program:
- supported 66 patients with HIV and related diseases (Jan – June 2021).
- provided 11 outreach screening sessions, in partnership with Meridian and CSHC, at Meridian.
- convened 10 clinical care and three HIV Medicine Special Interest Group meetings.
- contracted two counsellors to provide counselling support to people with HIV and their families in the ACT.
The HIV program minimised the impact of HIV and related disease through a range of counselling services, clinical support and advocacy activities, as well as education and professional development to primary care clinicians in the ACT. The Program Nurse provided education to nursing colleagues and GPs at Hobart Place General Practice and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) management
Client story
Mr R (pseudonym) has been a patient with the Canberra Sexual Health Centre (CSHC) for a while. He has had HIV for over 20 years and is living with chronic pain. This is complicated by an acquired brain injury, which makes it difficult for him to develop complex plans and carry them out. In addition, he is not keen to use electronic methods of communication, and has a strong preference for direct contact, either face-to-face or by phone, and is not proactive in seeking help even though he may be experiencing problems that could be resolved through contact with a GP. He is currently living in North Canberra and finds it difficult to travel to Canberra Sexual Health Centre. He therefore needed to find a more accessible S. 100 prescribing GP, who can provide bulk billing services.
CSHC contacted Hobart Place General Practice to see if Mr R could be seen as a patient, with an initial aim of establishing a relationship and continuing ART prescribing. The HIV Program Nurse was able to secure an appointment with an S. 100 prescribing GP at a time when there would be little waiting. At the first visit, both the HIV Program Nurse and the GP were able to talk with Mr R about his priorities. A plan was devised to ensure that Mr R could maintain his ART regimen and address other prioritised health concerns. Regular contacts from the HIV Program nurse have ensured that Mr R is able to review his health needs on a regular basis and request assistance when needed.