CHN’s continued commitment and journey in the implementation of our Cultural Competency Framework (CCF) has been one of reflection, learning, growth and progress. Along the way we have embedded the importance of a whole of organisation approach to continually improving systems of service and standards, so that they better acknowledge and recognise the contribution of First Nations people and communities.
CHN recognises how crucial it is to clearly communicate policies, strategies and procedures to ensure all staff have a shared understanding of the expectations for undertaking our business of facilitating the co-design, funding and support programs and services that improve access to culturally safe health and wellbeing services in this region.
By developing our cultural competencies our organisation will thrive with the knowledge, skills and confidence to work more effectively with First Nations colleagues, consumers, stakeholders and communities.
Current priority actions being implemented:
- Cultural Immersion experience for CHN staff and annual Cultural Awareness Training.
- Core Cultural Competencies embedded into individual performance management processes.
- Internal ‘Staff Guide to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture’.
- Internal audit of policies to ensure culturally appropriate language.
CHN held a Cultural Immersion Day for staff which was a unique and heartfelt experience in our journey towards reconciliation. The experience gave CHN staff the opportunity for a deeper understanding of valuable local knowledge and appreciation of First Nations people and the land on which we work. We believe this understanding will better support staff to make positive change in the community for local First Nations people.