CHN’s new Aged Care Portfolio aims to build on their current knowledge and relationships to understand and improve current gaps in aged care services within the ACT and provide improved quality of life.
CHN has been funded to support the response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Royal Commission). The priority areas that have been identified to create better health outcomes for older people in the ACT include:
- Telehealth: to increase service accessibility and create a platform to enable integrated care.
- After-hours: to improve service provision after-hours and reduce unplanned hospital transfer.
- Early intervention: to improve general health, wellbeing and quality of life for older ACT residents.
CHN’s Older Person’s Health Manager commenced in 2022 and has been reaching out to establish strong stakeholder relationships and mapping the needs of the older person within the ACT. CHN is planning for initiatives and programs in this space based on these consultations and opportunities to collaborate with existing services.