a) Increased COVID-19 testing and vaccinations
CHN played a key role in supporting primary care to deliver COVID-19 vaccines and improve access to COVID-19 vaccines by vulnerable people, aged care staff and residents.
CHN continued to support the three GP Respiratory Clinics (GPRC) across the ACT dedicated to supporting the communities and increasing access to COVID-19 testing and vaccinations. Over the past year, the GP Respiratory Clinics conducted over 36,000 respiratory assessments and COVID-19 tests. The clinics also played a key role in administering COVID-19 vaccines.
i. Vaccinations through primary care
CHN supported 85 participating general practices and the three Commonwealth Vaccination Centres (CVCs) in the ACT. Over 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered to the public through primary care settings over the last year in the ACT including:
- Commonwealth Vaccination Centres (CVCs) with the GPRCs
- General practices
- Pharmacies.

ii. Vaccinations for Residential Aged Care Facilities staff and residents
CHN collaborated with 28 aged care facilities, Aspen Medical and GPs in the ACT to coordinate COVID-19 vaccinations for residents and aged care workers achieving:
- 100% vaccination amongst workers
- +95% vaccination amongst residents.

iii. Vulnerable person’s vaccinations
CHN supported vulnerable people to access over 3,600 COVID-19 vaccines through direct vaccine administration, home visits, supporting transportation and health promotion activities, through the Vulnerable Person’s Vaccination Funding.

b) Practice support – COVID-19
Primary health care continued to experience unprecedented strain during the peak of COVID-19. Ensuring that primary health care professionals were well supported during this period was a core priority. With a scarcity of personal protective equipment (PPE) and targeted information across the industry, CHN responded by mobilising PPE received from the National Medical Stockpile and delivered high-quality webinars. Over the last year, CHN mobilised over 64,000 surgical masks, 16,000 P2 masks, 15,000 gloves, 8,000 gowns, 2,900 goggles/eye frames/face shields, 40 hand sanitisers and 70 pulse oximeters.