CHN commissioned Woden Community Service (WCS) to provide ongoing support for clients who previously accessed services under the Commonwealth Community Mental Health (CCMH) program and are ineligible to receive services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Continuity of Support provides community-based mental health group-based and outreach support.
Over the last year, Continuity of Support provided participants with access to up to 10 different peer groups within WCS, intentional peer support and targeted 1:1 support at times of greater need. WCS has also been working to bring New Path and Continuity of Support together under the umbrella of the Commonwealth Psychosocial Support (CPS) program from July 2022 which will provide a single point of access, and recovery-oriented time-limited support to a broader range of people, with timely re-entry if required.
Client story
Dave’s* (not their real name) mental health started to decline as early as October when he spotted the first Christmas decorations in the shops. Christmas time is a time of the year when Dave painfully experiences his loneliness and lack of social connection.
To support socially isolated people, the idea grew to put on a Christmas Day Brunch which was met with interest and excitement. Funding and support was received from local businesses.
Christmas Day was celebrated with 16 participants from a range of WCS mental health programs and seven staff and friends of WCS who volunteered their time. We celebrated in style with a traditional Christmas Day Lunch with ham and chicken, salads and vegetables and of course Christmas Pudding. It was a truly joyous day with good food, live music, shared Christmas carols, gifts and happy faces all round.