Suicide remains the leading cause of death for Australians aged 15-44 years. In 2018, in partnership with the ACT Office of Mental Health and Wellbeing and Black Dog Institute, CHN launched the Question-Persuade-Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention gatekeeper training. A gatekeeper is someone positioned to recognise a crisis and the warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide. Gatekeepers can be anyone, but include parents, friends, neighbours, teachers, health care staff, emergency service personnel and many others. QPR aims to provide the community with the skills and confidence to identify the warning signs of suicide, speak to people at risk of suicide about their thoughts, and connect people to professional support.
In the ACT, 591 people completed the QPR training over the last year. An internal evaluation of QPR undertaken in 2022 found that participants’ overall evaluation of the training was positive with 97% of respondents indicating that they believe it will help them in helping someone suicidal. A survey undertaken before and after completing the training indicated a substantial increase in knowledge and perceptions about suicide prevention and in perceptions of self-efficacy, confidence and competence to carry out a QPR intervention.
“Found the training very useful – learned about how best to approach the topic of suicide with someone and next steps to help them.” – QPR Participant
“Very informative and helpful. Above all, it is practical and very do-able.” – QPR Participant
“I found this course to be realistic and a very good guide for the general public as well as professional people to understand.” – QPR Participant