a) Quality Improvement
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a cornerstone for providing high-quality care and services. CHN has developed an innovative Quality Improvement ecosystem to support all CQI activities for primary care called QuIK (Quality Improvement Kits). QuIK has several features to support primary care:
- QuIK Visits focus on identifying the needs of general practices and co-design QuIK Cycles in collaboration with CHN
- QuIK Cycles focus on structured CQI activities, and awards GPs with 40 RACGP CPD points
- QuIK Skills (Clinical Audit Tool 4 and Accreditation) focuses on enhancing the quality improvement skillset of primary care staff
- QuIK Library focuses on providing the “Why for QI” – an evidence-based topical resource which focuses on insights for three different perspectives: Foundation, Patient and Practitioner.
Over the last year, when COVID-19 restrictions eased, CHN resumed face-to-face QuIK visits to general practices. CHN conducted over 20 QuIK visits to general practices and assisted practices’ Quality Improvement activities (e.g. up-to-date vaccination records, recording smoking status, importance of infection prevention and control, implementation of Smart Forms for secure messaging to submit electronic referrals).
CHN had over 1,400 information request engagements with general practices to assist with COVID-19 related activities, Monkeypox, Practice Incentive Program, clinical audit tool, data sharing and quality improvement related activities via email, phone and in person.
QuIK was implemented within the general practices in April 2022 and has been very well received by the practice staff and GPs within primary care. Our QuIK survey results have demonstrated positive feedback for the Quality Improvement ecosystem meeting the needs of general practices. Quotes captured in the surveys as below:
“It was lovely to find you as the human resource for all things QI and PENCAT.”
“It was fantastic to meet you and be encouraged and supported by you as I begin our QI Programs.”
“We reduced the number of patients that didn’t have a smoking status recorded from 161 down to only 14 patients.”
“All the team were very interested in the Podcast and QuIK Library.”

b) Quality Improvement Kits (QuIK)
The Quality Improvement Kit (QuIK) is an innovative, evidence-based ecosystem of resources designed to support primary health care professionals in undertaking Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) regardless of their experience in undertaking structured CQI. Fundamentally, QuIK is comprised of three distinct resources: QuIK Library Resources, QuIK Reviews and QuIK Cycles. Each of these resources offers a seamless, yet distinctly different experience of CQI in primary health care. For example:
- QuIK Library Resources improve primary care access to holistic, evidence-based, and practical CQI resources.
- QuIK Reviews improve access to and analytical capabilities of de-identified data in primary health care.
- QuIK Cycles improve utilisation and implementation of structured CQI within the practice using the Plan-Do-Study-Act Model for Improvement.
Over the last year, QuIK Library Resources for Asthma and COVID Normal were published, 135 QuIK Reviews were conducted, and four practices integrated QuIK Cycles into their practice.
Since the introduction of QuIK to primary care, we have received positive feedback about the resources and engagement around structured Continuous Quality Improvement. A practice that undertook QuIK Cycles wanted to tackle data quality in their practice. Following in-depth collaboration with CHN, the practice achieved a significant reduction in missing demographic information from their patient records from over 300 patients to no missing records. In addition to this fantastic result, by undertaking a QuIK Cycle the practice also identified several processes that they would then revise to ensure that future patient records will not contain missing demographic information.