Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

Our continued commitment and journey in the implementation of our Cultural Competency Framework (CCF) has been one of reflection, learning, growth and progress. The implementation of the CCF across all areas of our organisation is the responsibility of all staff and is driven by our internal Cultural Diversity Working Group. This Working Group comprises representatives from each business area and endorsed by an Executive representative.

Through the development and implementation of the CCF, not only will our organisation’s relationship with the First Nations community improve, we will also ensure the cultural safety of our staff, stakeholders and the communities that we serve.

Current priority actions being implemented:

  • Cultural Immersion experience and annual Cultural Awareness Training for CHN staff.
  • Core Cultural Competencies embedded into individual performance management processes via the implementation of a self-reflection tool for individual First Nations Cultural Competency as part of staff performance reviews.
  • Internal ‘Staff Guide to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture’ is used in new staff orientation and is always available to all staff.
  • Development has begun on a First Nations Data Governance Framework for CHN.
  • CHN is developing new relationships with external stakeholders, especially in the Allied Health space, and expanding their training and education programs to these fields.
l-r: CHN Indigenous Health Program Manager, Sharon Storen and GP Advisor, Dr Naomi Luck.