Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

CHN’s 2021-2024 Needs Assessment identified the social determinants of health as a significant barrier in accessing health services. This is particularly perceived in the lack of support for people with complex social and health needs, when accessing and navigating between appropriate services.

As a first in Australia, CHN funded 4 general practices in the ACT to participate in the Social Workers in General Practice Pilot, with Social Workers as an integrated part of their general practice team. Four social workers were employed, 2 full-time and 2 part-time, and embedded in Interchange Health Co-op, Next Practice Deakin, Fisher Family Practice and Wakefield Gardens. The Social Workers were supported by funded professional clinical supervision and a community of practice. In addition, each practice had a funded nominated GP champion allocated for the pilot program.

The Social Workers were engaged in a range of activities involving direct patient support, including counselling, navigating complex health care systems and processes, and providing education to practice staff and patients on the scope of Social Workers within the general practice environment. This has resulted in improved referral processes and team communication, spread of workload across the teams, support for patients while waiting for health care, improved continuity of care, and improved referral processes and development of partnerships with other agencies.

Over the last year, 493 patients were seen by the Social Workers. Social Workers contributed to 77 patient care plans. The pilot program is being evaluated by the University of Canberra.


“The Social Workers have decreased pressure on GPs and brought new skills and experience to the practices. Social Workers are playing a role in supporting, connecting and ‘anchoring’ other members of the practice team, and educating the general practice teams.” GP Champion feedback.