Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

The CHN Board has established the Community Advisory Council to provide advice and recommendations to the Board to ensure that strategies and initiatives are consumer focused, cost effective, locally relevant and aligned to improving local health care experiences and expectations.

Community Advisory Council members (as at 30 June 2023)

  • Lisa Kelly (Chair), CEO, Carers ACT
  • Lauren Anthes, CEO, Women’s Centre for Health Matters
  • Erin Barry, Director Policy & Evaluation, Youth Coalition of the ACT
  • Kirsten Cross, Council of the Ageing Representative
  • Chris Gough, Executive Director, Canberra for Harm Minimisation & Advocacy
  • Wendy Prowse, CEO, ACT Disability, Aged & Carer Advocacy Services
  • Paul Thompson, Mental Health Consumer Representative
  • Chin Wong, Canberra Multicultural Community Representative
  • Julie Blackburn, Chair, Capital Health Network
  • Karin Calford, Health Care Consumers’ Association Consumer Representative