Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

Mental health is one of the nine key priority areas for CHN. We’ve commissioned a range of local organisations to provide much-needed free mental health support for Canberrans. We’ve worked in partnership with ACT Health to collaborate and partner in the planning, funding and delivery of services to support regional commissioning.

Regional Mental Health Planning and Commissioning

The Plan was developed in partnership by key mental health stakeholders in the ACT and informed by consultations with the ACT community.

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The permanent Head to Health Canberra site was launched by Federal Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Ms Emma McBride (centre), joined by the Federal Member for Canberra, Alicia Payne MP and Head to Health Peer Worker, Mimi Woods.

Adult mental health centre: Head to Health Canberra

Canberra Head to Health provides free mental health support, service navigation, assessment and referral.

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Mental health services for young people: headspace

headspace Canberra and headspace Tuggeranong both provide early intervention mental health services to young people aged 12-25 years.

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Safe Haven

Safe Haven Belconnen is a warm and welcoming space for people experiencing suicidal thoughts or emotional distress to access support when they need it in a calm and caring environment.

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Support following a suicide attempt: The Way Back Support Service

Woden Community Service provides The Way Back Support Service to support people in the first few months following a suicide attempt.

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Mental health services for the LGBTIQA+ population: Inclusive Pathways

Meridian provides the Inclusive Pathways program to provide high-quality and trauma informed evidence-based psychosocial strategies to the LGBTIQA+ community.

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Mental health support: Next Step

Marymead CatholicCare provides Next Step which is a stepped care program providing free and confidential psychological support services.

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Psychosocial support for people with severe mental illness: New Path; Bloom Healthy Living; Alongside

Woden Community Service, Flourish and Directions provided recovery-focused psychosocial supports to people with severe mental health illness.

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The WOKE team and special guests.

Mental health services for young people with emerging Borderline Personality Disorder: The WOKE Program

University of Canberra developed and implemented the WOKE Program which focuses on early intervention for mood regulation in young people at high risk of BPD.

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Therapeutic service for children: Stepping Stones

Marymead CatholicCare provides Stepping Stones, a free, therapeutic service that supports children under 12 and their families to recover from the impacts of adverse childhood experiences (trauma).

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headspace Early Psychosis 

Early Psychosis Youth Services Program aims to reduce the incidence and severity of psychosis within the community through prevention, early detection and coordinated care delivery for young people aged 12-25.

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Child and Youth Mental Health Services Alliance

Mental health, education, child, youth and family stakeholders participated in strategic planning activities to design a Child and Youth Mental Health Services Alliance, aiming to deliver more coordinated and integrated support for children and young people.

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