CHN’s consultations and engagement with Residential Aged Care Homes (RACH) identified the need to avoid resident deterioration and presentation to Emergency Department after hours. The consultations identified the need for RACH staff training in catheter care and wound management to support them to provide quality care and improved health outcomes to their residents, reduce the need for access to afterhours services and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.
a) Catheter training
CHN, ACT’s PHN commissioned the Australian College of Nursing to provide catheter care training to RACH staff. The training includes face-to-face practical workshops, online learning modules, access to the Communities of Practice hub and resources for RACH nursing staff.
b) Wound management
CHN will continue to work with RACH providers to identify solutions to improving wound management and opportunities for staff to continue increasing their capabilities in this area.
“This is a wonderful initiative; we will be enrolling our Nurses in this catheter care training.“ RACH Manager