Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

In response to the low vaccination numbers in vulnerable populations, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) funded the Vulnerable Populations COVID-19 Vaccination Program to support activities at a local level to remove barriers to vaccination.   

The Vulnerable Populations COVID-19 Vaccination Program funded general practice, pharmacies, and other health and community care providers to undertake activities to promote and support COVID-19 vaccinations to vulnerable groups. The funding also covered the cost of vaccination for non-Medicare patients. Activities included:

  • In-reach clinics e.g. Residential Aged Care Homes (RACH), Supported Disability Accommodation or Supported Independent Living residents, embassies, sex on premises locations 
  • Pop-up clinics e.g. held in community facilities or events 
  • Mobile clinics e.g. vaccinations offered from a purpose-built van at locations responsive to need 
  • Clinics at the general practice or pharmacy  
  • Support to access vaccination e.g. transport 
  • Vaccinations in home to those who are homebound 
  • Resource development to support people with language barriers. 
Gungahlin Square Priceline Pharmacy mobile COVID vaccination clinic.

Over the last year, CHN commissioned the following providers to deliver these services:

  • Women’s Centre for Health Matters   
  • Meridian Incorporated   
  • GungahlinSquare Priceline Pharmacy   
  • Amcal+ Pharmacy Belconnen   
  • Next Practice Deakin  
  • Directions Health Services  
  • ErindalePharmacy   
  • Company Medical Services 
  • ErindaleHealthcare   
  • GungahlinFamily Healthcare   
  • Guardian Pharmacy Belconnen 
  • Interchange Health Co-Operative.  

These providers delivered 3,450 COVID-19 vaccines over the last year, including:

  • 263 vaccines to individuals who are non-Medicare eligible   
  • 88 vaccines to individuals homebound   
  • 111 vaccines to individuals in isolated communities  
  • 23 vaccines to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people  
  • 146 vaccines to aged care and disability workers  
  • 39 vaccines to children 5 – 11 years  
  • 346 vaccines delivered to people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities   
  • 2207 vaccines delivered to people who are frail and have a disability  
  • 22 vaccines delivered to people who are homeless. 



Amcal+ Pharmacy  

“We held an off-site vaccination clinic at Ngunnawal Pantry, where we vaccinated a neurodivergent child. The mother had told us that she had taken him to the doctors twice to be vaccinated but as he panicked it put him at risk of a needle stick injury. She asked if we could vaccinate him while he was comfortable sitting in their car and playing a game on his device. I went in the car and asked him if I could give him a vaccine. He said OK. His father was sitting next to him, I was able to vaccinate him smoothly without any problems.” 


Directions Health Services  

“A client reported that the full suite of services they receive at ‘Chat to PAT’ mobile health clinic has made a positive impact for them and they would not otherwise have access to health professionals to help them or to stay up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccine.” 


Next Practice Deakin 

“Several RACH had a substantial number of residents ready for their 6-month booster, so our team were able to attend and vaccinate quite a lot residents at the same time, which was logistically more efficient than repeated visits. This ensured residents were up to date with their COVID-19 vaccine over the Christmas period.”