Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

Many people use alcohol and other drugs (AOD) without experiencing significant harm, but for some AOD use results in serious health and social consequences.

For those people affected by AOD usage, reducing or stopping can be difficult without the support of a specialist AOD service. It is estimated between 400-500 people access specialist AOD services on any single day in the ACT.

Capital Health Network, through the ACT PHN Drug and Alcohol Program, funds a range of specialist AOD treatment services including:

  • Assessment
  • Case management support
  • Counselling
  • Withdrawal management
  • Rehabilitation
  • Information and education.

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Services

Access to PHN-funded AOD services is free to people living or working in the ACT. For further information or referral to PHN-funded AOD services, please contact our contracted service providers directly as listed below.

  1. CAHMAThe Connection
    AOD case management support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT.
    Phone: (02) 6253 3643
  2. CAHMAPeer Treatment Support Service
    CAHMA’s Peer Treatment Support Services provides education and information on the range of drug treatment services available to suit individual needs, assists with accessing treatments and provides advocacy support for clients during and after treatment.
    Phone: (02) 6253 3643
  3. Marymead CatholicCareReaching Out Program
    Outreach AOD Counselling for people over the age of 13 years.
    Phone: (02) 6163 7695
  4. Marymead CatholicCareAOD Support Connections
    Outreach AOD case management program for people over the age of 16 years affected by the use of alcohol and other drugs.
    Phone: (02) 6163 7600
  5. Directions Health ServicesAlthea Wellness Centre
    Althea Wellness Centre offers primary and secondary health care services to anyone impacted by AOD and who don’t have a regular GP. Althea Wellness Centre provides multidisciplinary care for clients with complex health and social needs, including nursing, psychology and AOD service.
    Phone: (02) 6132 4800
  6. Directions Health ServicesArcadia House
    Arcadia House is an alcohol and other drugs detoxification and withdrawal service, offering residential and day programs. These include a 7 to 14 day non-medicated Withdrawal Program, 12 week Day Program and 12 week Transition Program (8 week residential and 4 weeks day program).
    Phone: (02) 6132 4800
  7. KarralikaJustice Services Alcohol and other Drug Counselling
    Community-based specialist AOD counselling service for eligible people who have connections to Justice Services in the ACT (e.g. probation, parole, Alexander Maconochie Centre) or have concluded with these services within the last three months.
    Phone: (02) 6185 1300 or 1800 152 772
  8. Toora Women IncDay Program
    An eight-week group program for women over the age of 18 years to help them learn skills they need to live a meaningful life free from alcohol and other drugs.
    Phone: (02) 6122 7027
  9. Toora Women IncSpecialist AOD Counselling
    Up to 12 weeks of counselling for women over the age of 18 years who are impacted by their own or another’s AOD use.
    Phone: (02) 6122 7027

If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s alcohol or other drug use, contact the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015 or visit

For a full overview of CHN’s Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Psychosocial Commissioned Services, click here.