Capital Health Network’s (CHN) Needs Assessment highlighted that people with complex social and health needs experience increased barriers when accessing health services. Over 52% of people in the ACT have a long-term health condition, with social determinants of health a significant obstacle to accessing appropriate services.
As a first in Australia, CHN is trialing embedding Social Workers into 4 general practices in the ACT. Social Workers have unique skills sets to enhance the community’s quality of life and prevent hospitalisation through early intervention.
Patients at participating general practices have been accessing a free Social Worker since the trial began in July 2022.
Social Workers have been addressing some of the barriers to accessing health services by coordinating additional assistance to social, welfare or community support. This has been supporting people at risk of poor health outcomes to receive the right care in the right place at the right time.
Preliminary results of the trial show that having Social Workers in general practice has improved:
- patient support, including counselling, advocacy
- navigation of health care system and government services e.g. Centrelink, NDIS
- continuity of care
- the capacity of GPs.

The Social Workers in General Practice Pilot Program is supported by funding from the ACT PHN through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.
The trial concludes in March 2025. CHN presented early findings from the practices in September 2023. View the poster here.
University of Canberra has conducted an independent evaluation. You can view the report here.