Allied Health
Capital Health Network can significantly contribute to supporting the Allied Health sector as an essential part of an integrated health system. By working closely with Allied Health professionals, the collaboration can contribute to improved overall health outcomes.
Our Allied Health Engagement Team supports the National PHN Allied Health in Primary Care Engagement Framework. The Framework is a roadmap to strengthen engagement between Australia’s 31 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and the Allied Health sector.
Capital Health Network’s (CHN) activities with primary care involve engagement with Allied Health in the following areas:

Together with CHN’s Primary Care Integration team, we engage with different stakeholders such as the Australian Government, the Department of Health and Aged Care, the Office of the ACT Chief Allied Health Officer, ACT Health Directorate, Canberra Health Services, primary care practitioners and teams, peak bodies and other PHNs to collaborate on challenges and solutions to referral pathways and integration of multidisciplinary team in general practice settings and primary care.
CHN Education and Events feature topics of interest for primary care and multidisciplinary teams. We are developing events and podcast resources specifically for Allied Health. If you are a practitioner, academic or research with topics that you would like to share and discuss with primary care providers in the ACT, we want to hear from you. Contact us on Priority topics are available in the CHN Needs Assessment for the ACT.

Our Commissioned Services and pilot programs are shown below:
We commission multidisciplinary teams in primary care, such as the Social Workers in General Practice pilot program. Preliminary results showed that this has facilitated access to services and advocacy for patients, vulnerable people, and those at-risk of poor health outcomes. You can read the full report by the University of Canberra here.
Some of CHN’s programs and services involving Allied Health include the ACT Breathlessness Intervention Service , the Pharmacists in Residential Aged Care Facilities, Head to Health centre, and the Healthy Ageing program. A list of our commissioned services and trials are available in our Annual Report.

AH service providers are encouraged to include their service listing and check referral pathways for needed updates on ACT SNSW HealthPathways.
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Education and Events
CHN Education and Events such as Practice Connect, Physiotherapy series and Dementia care are free events and recorded events involving Allied Health and clinical topics
Education and Events
Digital Health
Our Digital Health tools and advocacy include optimisation of referrals to and from general practice, and registration on Provider Connect Australia
Digital Health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
CHN acknowledges and supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Some of our programs involving allied health support facilitations of Integrated Team Care in the ACT.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
Allied Health Lunch and Learn Sessions
Welcome to our CHN Allied Health Lunch & Learn sessions where we bring together allied health experts to explore important topics for multidisciplinary teams in the ACT.
Allied Health Lunch & Learn SessionsFor enquiries, collaboration, opportunities or allied health news submissions, contact us on or call (02) 6287 8099