Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network

Capital Health Network acknowledges the individual and collective experience of those with lived or living experience of mental ill-health and suicide, and the experience of their carers, families, and supporters. We value and respect the generous and vital contributions of those who share their unique perspectives to guide us to shape an effective and connected primary health care system that supports better outcomes for all.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services

Capital Health Network (CHN), through the ACT PHN Program commissions a range of mental health and psychosocial services in the ACT region. Our commissioned mental health and psychosocial services are safe, effective, person-centred, and apply a stepped care approach to ensure people can access the most suitable support for their individual needs. Access to CHN’s commissioned mental health and psychosocial services is free for people who live, work, learn or play within the ACT.
For a full list of CHN’s commissioned mental health and psychosocial services, click here.

Mental health activities commissioned include:

  • Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Stepped care – Next Step
  • Suicide prevention
  • Child and youth specific services
  • Services for people with severe and complex needs
  • Services for underserviced groups
  • Psychosocial supports.

Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR)  

CHN’s regional planning and commissioning of mental health services is based on the Australian Government’s stepped care approach, aiming to match a person to the type and intensity of service that best meets their needs. The Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) Decision Support Tool (DST) supports mental health assessments and referrals in line with a stepped care approach, to improve patient outcomes, experiences, and attitudes towards help-seeking, and enable a more efficient use of health system resources.

The IAR-DST was developed by clinicians for clinicians, and is intended to complement, not replace, clinical judgement and expertise and patient preferences and choices. The IAR-DST:

  • Provides GPs and other clinicians with a framework to organise the critical observations made during an initial mental health assessment and streamline referrals and recommendations
  • Supports clinicians to assess a person’s needs across eight primary and contextual domains to identify the level of care that the person requires.
  • Facilitates critical decision-making and planning of mental health treatment and appropriate referrals and supports.
  • Creates a shared language and enables a standardised, evidence-informed, nationally consistent and objective approach to mental health assessments, referrals, and recommendations.

To read the national IAR Guidance, click here.

CHN is providing training for GPs and health professionals who are interested in learning about or using the IAR-DST. GPs will receive an incentive payment and RACGP CPD points for participating in training. Click here for more information about the training program, or register for a training session.

Emergency or crisis services

CHN Commissioned Services do not provide emergency or crisis services. If you, your client or patient, or someone you are caring for is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call Access Mental Health on 1800 629 354 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). In an emergency, call 000.

Other support

For support to navigate local and national support services, visit or call Head to Health on 1800 595 212.

For national helplines, visit

For a full overview of CHN’s Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Psychosocial Commissioned Services, click here.