Capital Health Network (CHN), the ACT’s PHN is seeking EOI from ACT allied health providers to participate in the Multidisciplinary Approach to Diabetes Care (MADC) pilot program. This initiative aims to support early intervention for individuals at-risk of developing complications associated with diabetes.
CHN will commission an allied health multidisciplinary team (MDT) from Canberra to service up to 3 selected practices – Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), small or solo general practice from North Canberra and South Canberra for a geographical spread of services.
The MADC pilot will provide patients at-risk of poor health outcomes free access to a MDT, through their local general practice or ACCHS in the ACT.
CHN is inviting applications from an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Podiatrist, Exercise Physiologist/Physiotherapist who wish to receive funding to participate in this pilot.
As part of Strengthening Medicare measures, CHN has received funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care to deliver this program. It aims to strengthen the role PHNs play in commissioning multidisciplinary health care to improve the management of chronic conditions and reduce avoidable hospitalisations.
Program Overview
As per Grant guidelines, the opportunity is available to small or solo general practices or ACCHS that do not have the size or scale to engage the range of health professionals required to provide effective multidisciplinary care or the capacity to engage a MDT through other funding streams. The practices must be in a priority area of need in underserved or financially disadvantaged communities.
There is no cost for enrolled patients to access the allied health services included while participating in this program.
The funding supports the empowering and capacity building of allied health and other primary health care workers through training, tools and resources which contribute to improved health care outcomes for priority populations.
It aims to help adults at-risk of poor health outcomes to manage their diabetes, maintain their quality of life, and avoid preventable hospitalisations through lifestyle changes.
It also aims to support the engagement and creation of a MDT by funding small or solo general practices and ACCHS within the ACT to:
- facilitate collaboration with allied health providers.
- upskill practices (primary care and allied health) in delivering personalised care.
- alleviate financial constraints for priority populations, enabling access to free allied health services under the MADC program.
This funding is not an ongoing funding source, therefore, consideration of sustainability and/or impact on activities beyond the funding period need to be considered and included within the application.
This procurement activity is a multi-stage process commencing with an EOI. Successful applicants from the EOI will be given the opportunity to submit a proposal (Request for Proposal (RFP)). Preferred providers will then agree and sign a services order (contract) to commence the program.
Important Dates
The EOI process commences Thursday, 6 February 2025.
The closing date and time for this EOI is 5pm on Monday, 24 February 2025.
A briefing session for allied health providers will be held at 10 am Friday, 14 February 2025 – please register your interest via Eventbrite link.
Questions and request for information close at 5pm Friday, 21 February 2025. Questions and requests for information must be submitted in writing to
Contract Details
Commencement Date: 29 April 2025
Service Delivery Period: May 2025 to 30 June 2027
Additional Information
All applications must be submitted on the Response Form. To obtain a copy of the tender documentation, click here.
Responses to questions and requests for information will be provided to all interested applicants who have registered their details by emailing and/or registered to attend the Briefing Session. These Q&As will be posted on our website tenders page every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, unless otherwise indicated on the tender documentation.
Click here to access the Q&A.
Click here to watch the briefing session held on Friday 14 February
This Approach to Market is funded utilising Primary Health Network Program funding from the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care.